The Efficient Tenancy Manager Workshop

This is THE Event For The Busy, Stressed-Out Tenancy Manager

This Workshop Is Delivered Virtually - 10AM - 4PM - Next Dates TBC

 Turn your volume up 

Commonly the words we hear from our Tenancy Managers are...
"We Are Too Busy"
"We Can't Cope"
"We Need More Staff"
This is THE event for the busy, stressed-out Tenancy Manager... 

Tenancy managers are the powerhouse of any letting agency, and yet one of the biggest complaints we get from them is that they are too busy, have too much to do and we need more staff!

The reality is you don't need more staff, we just need to look at what they are doing and get them focused on the things that you are legally contracted to do, that you are paid to do and that add value to your customers and your company and to stop doing the favours, the free stuff and getting 3 quotes for things that are not necessary. 

In this workshop, we don't teach them how to do their job, we give them the tools to reduce their workload, say NO to over-demanding tenants and landlords (where necessary), protect the company legally and identify opportunities for additional revenue or services

Last Minute 2 For 1 Offer! 

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
This course will enable them to be more efficient in their role, reducing their daily workload, keep your company safe, get them focused on the essential and valuable tasks, and will teach them to identify high-value opportunities for additional revenue or services

These include opportunities such as sales, acquisitions, refurbishments and also how to generate leads for additional properties under management (oh and how to convert let-only landlords into fully managed ones) 
and HOW to actually IMPLEMENT, COMMUNICATE and put them into PRACTICE.


Active Tenancy Managers, Tenancy Management Managers, and those in the role of managing properties, however large or small their portfolio. 

This workshop is also for those that are on the frontline of dealing with landlords, tenants, and contractors, whether 20 years in the role or 1 week, there will be huge value gained from attending this event. 
Active Tenancy Managers, Tenancy Management Managers, and those in the role of managing properties, however large or small their portfolio. 

This workshop is also for those that are on the frontline of dealing with landlords, tenants, and contractors, whether 20 years in the role or 1 week, there will be huge value gained from attending this event. 



 A new perspective of how to add value as a Tenancy Manager

​ Manage your time to focus on the important tasks

​ know what you are insured to do and what you are not insured to do

​ Manage and identify potential risks and liabilities and keep the company safe

 Learn to say no to things that they shouldn't be doing (and give them the objection handling language to do so too)

 Identify triggers that could lead to opportunities (such as house sales, refurbs, acquisitions, and additional services)

​ Reduce their workload and stay within their contractual obligations

​ Learn how to make the business money

What Will You Learn On This Workshop?
  • A new perspective of how to add value as a Tenancy Manager
  • ​Manage your time to focus on the important tasks
  • ​Manage and identify potential risks and liabilities and keep the company safe
  • ​know what you are insured to do and what you are not insured to do
  • ​Learn to say now to things that they shouldn't be doing (and give them the objection handling language to do so too)
  • ​Identify triggers that could lead to opportunities (such as house sales, refurbs, acquisitions, additional services)
  • ​Reduce their workload and stay within their contractual obligations
  • ​Learn how to Make the business money
We won’t TEACH your Tenancy Managers how to serve a notice or fix a pipe (i.e. do their job), but we WILL coach them on how to be better at what they do, how to focus on what is essential or of value and “cut out” the noise...
Plus reduce their workload, get stuff done faster and be an even BIGGER asset to the company than they are already, whilst seeking opportunities to push the company forward.
Dawn started her property career in Estate Agency in 2003 and moved to residential lettings in 2007, quickly working her way up through the ranks within Sally Lawson’s business to Senior Negotiator, Lettings Manager. Then in 2011, went on to own Concentric Letting Agency. 

Dawn now oversees the general operations and compliance within the GROUP of companies, across the Letting Agency Branches, the White label management hub, and also acts as Coach and mentor to the Agent Rainmaker Network. 
See What Previous Attendees Have To Say About The Event:
 26th June 2024
Next Dates TBC
  • Ticket: £197 + VAT
  • Digital Workshop - Next Dates TBC
  • 10AM - 4PM
Contact us:
Call us: 01902 420762 
Property Agents Circle Ltd
Company Number: 07110051
VAT Registration: 998 8734 23
Company Registered Address: 7 Newton Court, Pendeford Business Park, Wolverhampton, WV9 5HB