Brand New for Agent Rainmaker! 



Why Let only to Fully Managed conversion?

Right now, 82% of landlords are NOT using agents for property management, that is why this is the biggest single market available to us as agents, but we must learn how to convert them.

In branch now we are getting a minimum of 30% of each month’s new business, coming from let only to fully managed conversion.

This will be a whole day dedicated to learning how to do this in your agency.

Learning to convert the 82% of landlords that traditionally choose “let only” and get them straight onto your books as managed stock.

Ali will walk you through the process of how he has added over 100 fully managed contracts onto the books, from let only landlords (many have never used us before).

Some were our let only clients, some were other agents let only clients and some never used an agent at all, either way, all can be converted when you know how.
  • How to market to this huge market and start to generate leads from the type of landlords that most agents ignore including where to find the leads/funnels to use.
  • ​​How to use the best secret weapon you have at your disposal and that is legislation, the one thing that can help you in this conversion process, how he uses it and when. 
  • ​​Ali will share with you the exact sales call techniques he uses to convert the 82% from being staunch let-only landlords into fully managed happy clients paying full price (the ones you never thought you would ever convert) 
  • ​Ali will be revealing the scripts he uses with these clients to get them desperate to convert to full property management. 
  • ​How using Webinars Ali has generated many large portfolio clients who have transferred their entire portfolio over to him for management. 
  • ​How he has used the health check appointments to convert fast (and his team as call setters) 
  • ​Ali will also run through the basics of the processes of converting a landlord from let only to FM, what he charges and how he walks them through and makes it profitable too. 

How to market to this huge market and start to generate leads from the type of landlords that most agents ignore including where to find the leads/funnels to use.

​Ali will be revealing the scripts he uses with these clients to get them desperate to convert to full property management. 

​​Ali will share with you the exact sales call techniques he uses to convert the 82% from being staunch let-only landlords into fully managed happy clients paying full price (the ones you never thought you would ever convert) 

​​How to use the best secret weapon you have at your disposal and that is legislation, the one thing that can help you in this conversion process, how he uses it and when. 

​Ali will also run through the basics of the processes of converting a landlord from let only to FM, what he charges and how he walks them through and makes it profitable too. 

​How using Webinars Ali has generated many large portfolio clients who have transferred their entire portfolio over to him for management. 

​How he has used the health check appointments to convert fast (and his team as call setters) 

What will you Learn ON THIS WORKSHOP...

  • Marketing and funnels to use to attract and convert Let Only Landlords
  • ​The Sales Process for Lead Management
  • ​Prospecting/ Call Scripts used
  • ​Which Webinars work best and why
  • ​Using Tenancy Health checks to Close
  • ​What the Takeover Proposals looks like 
  • ​ The process of taking over a property onto management
  • ​What to charge and & How to Charge
  • ​Common issues we find and how to solve them
Right now, there is a huge market of let only landlords 82% of the entire landlord UK population – here you will learn how to attract and convert them. 

You will discover, the best techniques you have at your disposal and how to use these to help you in this conversion process and win business. 
Ali will share with you the exact sales call techniques he uses to convert the 82% from being staunch let only landlords into fully managed happy clients paying full price (the ones you never thought you would ever convert).

Ali will be revealing the scripts he uses with these clients to get them desperate to convert to full property management. 

How by using Webinars Ali has generated many large portfolio clients who have transferred their entire portfolio over to him for management. 

How he has used the health check appointments to convert fast 
Ali will be sharing how he has transformed his team (previously negs/listers/viewers) into salespeople and changed their process and role structure as a result. 

Ali will also run through the basics of the processes of converting a landlord from let only to FM, what he charges and how he walks them through and makes it profitable too. 


Anyone who will be responsible for Let Only to Fully Managed conversion. Those responsible for creating this process. Branch Managers, Lettings Managers, Listers and even Directors.

Also, any Call setters, appointment bookers and BDMS to help them understand the full process or working those funnel leads/database. All could benefit from this exceptionally valuable workshop.



This course is designed for those who are new or brand new to estate agencies, for those looking for an update or to see the AR “add-ons” that may be possible to an existing Estate Agency, or those looking for a better-combined experience between sales and lettings and acquisition departments to get them all communicating.

I would include anyone involved in or about to be involved in the Estate Agency side of the business, who needs to make sure that all the processes are optimised and operating fully, level staff, managers or branch managers could all benefit from this day if they are new to property sales etc, or are seeking new ideas or ways to generate leads and convert into business. (or add additional services)  

Ali is a former branch owner, a current operator and a director and has over 13 years of experience in the Estate Agency business and prides himself on his quality of service to the client, maintaining high-level fees and delivering on the back end (but also with a modern twist of being at the forefront of adopting funnels and lead conversion on a huge scale)

Ali’s branch is generating over 300 leads per month, and from one funnel alone generated 38 instructions in just 6 weeks for sales, this comes after creating a sales team, with call setters and closers to optimise results, but he also offers many additional services to add value and profit.

In the last 3 years, Ali has worked hard to merge sales lettings and acquisitions for the benefit of the business, and therefore we can now see the differences from both sides.

In the last year, Ali has added over 100k additional revenue to the business through optimisation (quite a task for a 34-year-old business).

He runs a highly optimised branch offering lettings, sales, off-market sales and helping landlords with property investment too, and will be sharing all on this, live for this first-ever 2-day event .
Ali has been running agency branches for around 12 years of his 16 year estate agency career. He opened his first estate agency branch from a total standstill in 2012 and acquired his second just a few years later, overseeing both to maintain a healthy market share and reputation within their towns.

In the last 4 years Ali has had to embrace lettings, and therefore can now see the differences from both sides and runs a highly optimised branch offering lettings, sales, off market sales and helping investor landlords with property investment too. 

As the current Director of Concentric Sales & Lettings, Wolverhampton, Ali specifically runs the front sales office of the operation where he and his team are fully focused on new business. 

Meet Your Expert Coach - Ali Durrant

Let Only To Fully Managed Workshop
£197 + VAT
Delivered Virtually - Next Dates TBC
  • 10am - 4pm
  •  Sales call techniques 
  • How to use health check appointments to convert fast
  • Converting a Landlord from Let Only to FM
During This Workshop We Will Cover:
  • What Notice Periods should you be using now?
  • ​The Immigration act, are you up to date? 
  • ​Breathing space and how this affects you?
  • ​MEES, are your properties ready, and what can you do to help?

Are you ready, are you prepared?


    We recognise that this is an emerging and rapidly evolving situation. Should circumstances or risk factors change, we will re-evaluate — always with your health, safety and well-being in mind. Therefore any ticket purchased for any live events, during the pandemic, we offer that in the event of you being unable to attend, or the event having to be postponed, we will be Live Streaming the event into a dedicated Facebook group for to join for a 48 hour period where you can either watch the event as its taking place, or view the recording within the time period. If you notify us within 7 days of the event starting that you won’t be able to attend, we will offer you an alternative ticket to attend the same or similar event within the next 12 months.

    Contact us:
    Call us: 01902 420762 
    Property Agents Circle Ltd
    Company Number: 07110051
    Company Registered Address: 7 Newton Court, Pendeford Business Park, Wolverhampton WV9 5HB