The COMPLETE Online Coaching Programme:
I Want To Give You Access To A Complete Training Programme Where Me And My Team Walk You Through The Entire Process Of Setting Up Your Automate Online Funnels!

In Fact, Filmed Direct To Camera Straight To You, This Feels Like You Are In The Room With Us, As We Walk You Through The Entire Process From Start To Finish.

Get Access To My Complete Marketing And Media Experts, As Your Own Exclusive Coaches With This Online Coaching Programme. 

There Is Nothing Like THIS Elsewhere...
Over 45 Coaching Video's PLUS Real LIVE Examples...  
Get OUR top 4 MOST SUCCESSFUL AGENCY FUNNEL TEMPLATES that we are STILL using that generate over 300 landlords/Investors and Vendors dropping onto our database every month, scheduling calls with you or meeting you in person...
Get My expert teams guidance to COACH you through the whole process... With years of experience building agency funnels between them they are more than fit to support you to critique your funnels or answer your burning questions to get your funnels running and converting quicker!
The ACTUAL follow up emails we use to generate more calls and give massive value to new contacts so they are EXCITED to work with us that you can just copy and paste...
You can have all of that with our…

The ONLINE Funnel Creation Coaching Programme!

  • ​The COMPLETE Funnel Coaching Programme (over 70 videos)   (£2,997 Value)
  • Our 4 "Estate Agency" specific -Lead Generation Templates   (£1,997 Value)
  • The LONG Awaiting LIFE Changing RECRUITMENT FUNNEL  (£1,997 Value)
  • ​Social MEDIA HANDS OFF System - (to FREE up your TIME) (£997 Value)
  • Our FULL Nurturing & Conversion Email Campaigns  (£997 Value)
Total Value: £8,985
Get Your 12 Month Access to The
Funnel Creation Coaching Programme Now:
Just 1 Payment of £570 + VAT TODAY!

How To Get Started Today, Start Getting Leads EVERY SINGLE DAY And Use Your Time Now To Get Systems In Place To SERIOUSLY Grow Your Business...

The complete programme includes EVERYTHING you need, to make FUNNELS your number ONE lead source in 2023
This will give you absolute CONTROL of your inbound leads and transform your business marketing and SALES (No More Depending on Third Parties!)
This will SAVE you thousands... but the most important thing is, that it will give you back your TIME and peace of mind, that your MARKETING is SORTED and you don't have a 'quite period' ever again!
When you get the foundations and these simple techniques and skills right... the FUNNEL takes very little time, your biggest issue will be not having enough time to build more!
But only when you get the ideas and the tools right...
ALSO you will see HUGE results FAST once you get it right for a FRACTION on what it cost in the past!
I sore business all over the internet and the world making millions of £'s in a day and some even in an hour with funnels. Once I'd seen what they were capable off I made it my mission to travel all of the world, I became a student of the worlds leading funnel expert, and everything I learnt I moulded it to fit the property industry specifically.
But I can’t keep it to myself any longer... It’s time to let the cat out of the bag, and share with YOU how I did it step-by-step, and the best way to share this is by creating and delivering a COMPLETE Programme on all the key elements and giving you my EXACT templates too!
Right now is THE BEST time to start using funnels, I have made it as simple as possible for you with the 'funnel creation programme' you could literally get them setup in a couple hours even with ZERO previous technical knowledge!
All you need to do is click the links and the templates are added to your own account. All you need to do is add the branding, connect your email software and you are good to go... we even give you the email templates so you know EXACTLY what to put in each of the follow up emails to get your potential clients EXCITED to speak to you...
This will TRANSFORM our industry 
at a time when we need it MOST...

Funnels WILL change your LIFE - I guarantee it 

So, what’s actually in the programme Sally, I hear you ask?

In short, EVERYTHING you need, myself and my team haven’t held anything back, its all in this COMPLETE programme! (hence the name!) 
You will find over 32 FUNNEL building learning topics all in logical progression for the newbie funnel builder, to take them through the ENTIRE process of funnel building from the content creation, advert building and conversion into a sales LEAD!
A few examples of what you will find in this programme are videos, guides, examples, templates and tutorials on the following: 

What YOU will LEARN...

1) How to Position yourself as someone to listen to and LEARN from
2) How to get the RIGHT type of customers, that you WANT
3) How to Create HIGH VALUE CONTENT without spending hours doing it 
4) How to set up, build a HUGE database of Vendors and Landlords
5) How to take your prospects on a journey from not knowing who you are, to being HIGH VALUE CUSTOMERS
6) How to NURTURE and keep your database engaged, loving everything you do
7) How to do the TECH BITS simply and easily WITHOUT outside help, as we have made it 'child-level' simple for you! (There are actually children doing this!)
8) Step-by-step guides to walk you through the WHOLE process
9) CHECKLISTS so that you can check yourself and make sure you have covered all the steps required to meet success
10) PROCESS lists of building multiple funnels for YOUR business
11) LANDING PAGE creation and how to create/build a page that will DRIVE people into your funnels
12) HIGH VALUE OFFER creation TEMPLATE that will get your prospects buying from you with higher and higher priced ticket items!
Basically EVERYTHING you need to take your prospects on a journey to
doing business with you, Building a Database and Generating LEADS for your team so there is never a 'quiet time' again!
INSIDE the PROGRAMME you will find…
• Over 70 HOW-TO videos
• Over 32 Learning note downloadable pdf’s
CHECKLISTS for every step to make sure you cover everything
• Complete Programme STEP BY STEP WORKBOOK
• Full Guidance and support videos and screenflow videos to SHOW you HOW
DONE FOR YOU Templates so you don’t even have to BUILD them yourself.
Everything is designed to walk you through the whole programme and consolidate your learning in one place and really enable you to…
• Take control of your business AND its lead generation forever
• Get it DONE FAST- in fact most people manage to get their funnel live the same day!
• Make it WORK for you and your team
• Change the focus of your business from one of SCARCITY to ABUNDANCE
• Manage the TYPE of customers you need in your business
• Segment the customers and SPEAK THEIR language
• Make FUNNELS easy
This is delivered via…
Videos - You can see over 70 video’s of SALLY (who built a £1million funnel from scratch to £1m in just 18 months resulting 2 Comma Club Winner and Funnel Marketer status), coaching to a room of letting agents how to build multiple lead generation funnels for their businesses, with real life examples on results, wording, offers, and HOW to do it, all the way through
I use this stuff in my own businesses and now I'm opening the door for YOU to look inside
Checklists - For each of the key processes, you will find checklists to make sure you have covered everything and every step of the process
Templates - Where you just fill in your own detail, so that you can literally change the TEXT and Images and be in business and LIVE straight away, with no messing! 
Guides - to take you through the language, text and offers, to make sure you get maximum return at every step… unmissable 
Screenflows - Sally’s Expert Team have made a whole library of Screenflow videos as they do each of the tasks, taking you expertly through the process step by step, so you can follow them as you build yourself… its like having her team in the room with YOU! 
Tutorial - Build a Funnel Walk through, you will have access to a recorded LIVE session, where our chief Funnel Builder will walk you through building a funnel, step by step, in fact, this is him LIVE sitting in front a room of “never built a funnel before” agents, where they followed his lead and all managed
But wait, how about if I also GIVE YOU OUR FUNNELS!  
The EXACT ones that we use in OUR agencies, that drive brand new and fresh landlords and vendors into our business daily… you will get!
Landlord Seminar Funnel – you will get our exact templated pages dropped straight into your funnel software, to use straight away, just edit it to your own brand and event and your READY! 
FREE GUIDE download - Get the complete TEMPLATED text, pages and OFFER to get prospects downloading your stuff and dropping themselves onto your database in droves (we get over 20 per day dropping onto our database) it’s awesome! 
“Book a Call” Funnel – The Fully Automated, hands off, EXACT Funnel that takes a SELF MANAGING landlord to booking a consultation call with YOU so that you can work with him and convert him to Fully Managed 
My Amazon Best Seller BOOK Funnel - all 6 steps of it, that generated over £141k in sales in its first year AND dropped over 2000 landlords into our database… (this funnel cost over £20,000 to build and is the same style of funnel used by experts worldwide, an ESSENTIAL tool for all experts.  
But that’s not all…
NEVER ENDING Content Creation system – You will get the jaw dropping, AWE Inspiring -NEVER ENDING Content Creation System, that will make sure you NEVER run out of ideas on things to make content about, discuss on social media and much more.
It will leave you literally speechless!
You will also have access to our Q&A area, where you can ASK questions and our team will help you resolve any challenges or learning points you need help with
You will get invited to our Funnel Builders Facebook GROUP, so you can share with other agents building there first funnels alongside our team to help and advise
Video Tutorials from MY In House experts - You will have a suite of Screenflow videos, where you can “follow my lead” whilst building your own first few funnels. These coaching sessions are made by my own award winning Marketing TEAM, so you can follow them step by step at YOUR pace  
Create and build a funnel – you already have the templates, we will show you how to turn them into HUGE lead generation machines, using the right language, the best image, the right amount of corporate branding, the size text, colour font and high value OFFER plus how to use the Epiphany STORY to really get you and your offer on point. 
Create Facebook ad campaign - My full time EXPERT Social media exec who managed the social media for my branches, will walk you through crafting your FIRST Facebook ads campaign, the difference between visible and “dark” ads, what to post and where, when is the best time, a few do’s and dont’s around ads that could get you BANNED from FB too 
Audience Creation – THIS will save you thousands… DON’T waste money on wasted FB targeting, make sure that you are only targeting the RIGHT prospects that will ultimately BUY from you IN your area… Demographics, likes and not likes, hobbies, criteria that really works for us, and gets us 20,000 views on one of our video in just one weekend 
Adding a landing page for your website or blog - This is NOT about funnels, but can be a great way to DRIVE people to your funnels, eventually you need all your online material to DRIVE to your various funnels, and this is one way that you can do it… here our product developer walks you through how to add a page to your website so that you NEVEr need to pay a web designer and wait ages ever again 
Blog Page – The rules and steps around adding a blog page to your website using wordpress, the importance of headers, meta tags and keywords and step by step guide on how to do just that…  
So you will NEVER need to hire a web designer, CRM manager or even product developer again! Or if you do, you can tell them exactly what you want!
Our OWN templates are the ones we ACTUALLY use in our agencies to drive Brand NEW Vendor and Landlords leads in to our business for our Listers to call, to add over 300 NEW prospects onto out database every month to nurture, to FILL our landlord seminar rooms, book consultation calls AND join our Exclusive Facebook groups too.
THE BOOK FUNNEL - I will also give you the COMPLETE template to my Book Funnel, which on its own got my book to being an AMAZON best seller and generated over £141,000 of sales in its first year after launch.
Here's the Offer... 

The Funnel Creation Coaching Programme

(worth £2,997)

With over 70 coaching video's on everything to do with building, growing, troubleshooting and anything else to do with funnels!
These video's will make sure you are never stuck when it comes to making ideas and growing your agency...

OUR 4 Agency LEAD Generation Templates
(worth £1,997)

Get OUR 4 top performing sales funnels that we are still using RIGHT NOW that get us 200+ leads into our database a month.
All you need to do is click the link and the ENTIRE funnel is going to be uploading into your account.
Just change the colours and the images and you are ready to go live! 
Total Value: £4,994


Your Super Cool Bonus #1

#1 - The LONG awaiting LIFE changing RECRUITMENT FUNNEL 

With ROPA (Agent Regulation) in 2020/21, recruitment is going to become the BIGGEST headache in our business, (as if it wasn’t hard enough already) but me and my team have been working tirelessly to make THIS happen… the Recruitment FUNNEL!

You will NEVER have to read a CV again, you will NEVER have to sit interviewing none interested, useless candidates, you will sift these all out and be left with KEEN, motivated, and on point candidates with this quick, easy and rather painless funnel (you will love it)
(worth £1,997)
Your Super Cool Bonus #2

#2 - Social MEDIA HANDS OFF system

You DON’T need to spend HOURS on Social MEDIA to be awesome on SM and have HUGE reach- I felt like I had discovered FIRE when I heard about this ...

I will show you how you can literally get 90% of the social media OFF YOUR desk, and get your life BACK! – THIS IS A LIFE CHANGER!
(Worth £997)
Your Super Cool Bonus #3

#3 - CRM Email and nurturing campaigns

Following on from anyone joining one of your funnels you need a nurture and conversion campaign to absolutely optimise every lead and make sure you are getting the MAXIMUM lead conversion you can get, here we will give you OUR EXACT email Campaigns…
(Worth £997)


And I guarantee you will LOVE it
If not…

Claim under my...

“No Techno Babble” GUARANTEE

I guarantee this will totally change your world, and in fact, if it doesn’t, I will happily refund you within 30 Days in FULL if you contact me and say Sally this not for me along with a copy of your receipt, we will give you a complete refund for £570 + VAT.

Here’s A Recap Of
When You Purchase The Funnel Creation Coaching Programme!
  • ​The COMPLETE Funnel Coaching Programme (over 70 videos)   (£2,997 Value)
  • Our 4 "Estate Agency" specific -Lead Generation Templates   (£1,997 Value)
  • The LONG Awaiting LIFE Changing RECRUITMENT FUNNEL  (£1,997 Value)
  • ​Social MEDIA HANDS OFF System - (to FREE up your TIME) (£997 Value)
  • Our FULL Nurturing & Conversion Email Campaigns  (£997 Value)
Total Value: £8,985
All of the above for just  £570+VAT
KICKSTART Your Funnel Journey With Me  and My Team Coaching You Along The Way!
Contact us:
Call us: 01902 420762 
Property Agents Circle Ltd
Company Number: 07110051
VAT Registration: 998 8734 23
Company Registered Address: Unit 7 Newton Court, Pendeford Business Park, Wolverhampton, WV9 5HB